目前国内只剩 Coding 还可以托管在香港了,据说 Coding 曾经私自在个人用户页面插入广告,所以也不建议了,另外考虑到 HTTPS 支持,这种方案局限性也太大了。目前我的方
最开始听说树莓派(Raspberry PI)是在西电开源社区的邮件列表中,那时只知道这是个可以装Linux的微型电脑,功耗非常低。一次在学校里
Compile r8101 driver modules for Linux-3.10
Long long ago, I installed Ubuntu 10.04 as my first Linux Distro, due to the problems of networking, I used it only few times. The suck problem is that when you copy large files or did some other things as normal, the network is down! The only solution is to restart your computer! I asked bigeagle for solving this weird issue. He found it was the ethernet card driver that